Visit our cozy cookhouses in Svaneke, Løkken & Skagen

Visit us

Visit us

At Bolcheriet you can experience how our delicacies are created - right in front of your nose. We tell you about the art behind the old craft and show you how it all works.

our stores
Ægteparret Thomas og Mariam Brandt Touray ejer og driver deres 3 bolchekogerier i Svaneke, Løkken og Skagen hvor der produceres håndlavede bolcher, logobolcher, rustne søm, slikkepinde og konfirmand bolcher blandt meget andet.

About us

Here at bolcheriet®, we make candies and caramels the traditional way - by hand. All of our candies are boiled over an open fire and the mass of candies is "pulled on a hook".

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This has been the case since 2001

We do all our work in front of an audience. So are you and other guests
helps to quality check the production, and so on
it also much more fun for us.